Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ponder This!

How do we ever know what is right? What is wrong? If every situation has context, then how can we make right and wrong so general? Especially in relationships. Fights specifically. One person is reacting to something the other person did. Than it escalades and grows into a fire based off of heightened emotion. An interesting idea is to think about where something begins. The very very beginning. You can take anything, like fights for an example, do they really begin when someone does something to piss you off, or was it something built up? Even you didn't really start at your parents intercourse (Ew, I cannot believe I just said that.) because if they never met at that coffee shop that one day, they never would of had sex, and you would never be here. But think even before that, if they didn't get stuck in traffic, they wouldn't have been late getting to bed, and they wouldn't have been sleep deprived and needed coffee the next day. Uh yeah, it can go on and on but I'm running out of ideas for fake scenarios. But just ponder that. If nothing really has a beginning, than nothing can really end, right? Here's a real mind bender, if we can never hang on to anything permanently, then what do we really have? I guess this feeds into the idea of materialism and why it works so well for our society. It gives us something to hold onto.

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